Please note: this is an example only - you can download a copy of the agreement here, but we will send you a specific agreement with fields completed for your event.  You can download a Standard Rate Card here.  You can read all FAQ's by scrolling down our home page.  

Please contact us to talk through your ideas for events and workshops - we are always looking at ways to work with people to bring events to Tiverton. But we are just as happy to work with you to plan your private party or celebration!


This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [Date], by and between The Oak Room, Tiverton located at 2C St Peters Street, Tiverton EX16 6NU ("Hall"), and [Hiring Party/Organization Name], located at [Hiring Party Address] ("Hirer").



a. Date and Time of Event: - Date: [Event Date] - Time: [Start Time] to [End Time]

b. Purpose of Event: - [Brief description of the event] If Music Event please specify genre or theme.

c. Hall Space Reserved: - [Specify the areas of the hall reserved- Church OR Café area OR Church and Café area]



a. The hiring fee for the hall is as agreed £0and is due 50% deposit upon this booking, balance due one week before the event.

b. The hall hire fee covers access to toilets, services (water/electricity/wifi) and to the main church floor level.



a. The Hall offers the option for the provision of a public bar during the event.

b. The Public Bar Service fee is included in the £0 hire fee.

c. The Hall will manage and operate the public bar, including obtaining any necessary licenses, providing bar staff, and overseeing alcohol service.

d. Any revenue generated from the public bar services will be retained by the Hall, and the Hirer will not be entitled to a share of the proceeds.



a. The Hirer agrees to comply with all relevant laws and regulations during the event, including but not limited to licensing laws.

b. The Hirer is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits or licenses related to the event, excluding those directly related to the public bar services.

c. The Hirer is responsible for the behaviour of all attendees during the event and is responsible for providing security for the doorway to the street during the whole hire period – the front doors, sliding open to main street, need to remain fully open for fire egress.

d. The Hirer is responsible for any loss or damages caused to The Oak Room Tiverton during the hire period (including set up and wrap time) and must be repaired or replaced at the Hirer's expense.

e. The Hirer is responsible for providing all necessary equipment and persons for their event / music event, including but not limited to sound systems and sound engineer, lighting, instruments, and staging.

f. The Hirer must comply with all noise regulations and restrictions imposed by local authorities.



a. The Hirer is responsible for setting up and dismantling any equipment or decorations related to the event.

b. Set-up and breakdown times should be agreed upon in advance and are subject to the Hall's availability. Access to test hall acoustics prior to event can be arranged.




a. The Hirer is responsible for the safety and security of all attendees during the event.

b. Any security personnel required for the event must be arranged, licences checked by Hirer, and paid for by the Hirer.



a. In the event of cancellation by the Hirer, the Hall will retain the deposit, and additional fees may apply depending on the timing of the cancellation, for the remainder of the fee.

Cancellation Terms:

60 days + notice = Full refund (no charge)

30-60 days notice = 90% refund (10% charge) 1

4-30 days notice = 75% refund (25% charge)

7-14 days notice = 25% refund (75% charge)

0-7 days notice = no refund (100% charge)

b. The Hall reserves the right to cancel the agreement for reasons including, but not limited to, unforeseen circumstances or failure to comply with the terms of this agreement. In such cases, any fees paid by the Hirer will be refunded.



a. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Hall and the Hirer, and any amendments must be in writing and signed by both parties.

b. This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.

c. A copy of [Hiring Party/Organization Name] Public Liability Insurance and a copy of [Hiring Party/Organization Name] Risk Assessment for the event / event period MUST be supplied no less than 7 days before the booked period or the booking will be cancelled and the whole amount of the booking is payable to The Oak Room, Tiverton.

d. No smoking allowed within the Hall or the grounds of the Hall.

e. The Hall has a zero tolerance towards drugs and expect any Hirer to comply and ensure their event attendees comply. If any drugs activity takes place the Hall with close down the event and withhold any fees. An application to recover costs of staffing by Hall in relation to bar and bar costs, from the Hirer will also then be made.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Hall Hiring Agreement as of the date first above written.


The Oak Room, Tiverton


By: ________________________ [Authorized Signatory] Date: ____________________



[Hiring Party/Organization Name]



By: ________________________ [Authorized Signatory] Date: ____________________



PRINT NAME: ______________________ POSITION: _______________________



PHONE: ___________________________ EMAIL: ___________________________


June 2024 Incorporated  in England, UK

Company No. 15789960 Oak Room, Tiverton CIC

Registered Address 2C St Peter Street, Tiverton EX16 6NU

© Copyright. All rights reserved.

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